

Update a case

To update a case, you must first get the ID of the customer the case belongs to. You will have received this ID when you created the case.

You can then update the case by sending a POST request to the following endpoint:


In the request body, you can provide a patch for the user-provided information, websites and file uploads to update the case. The fields you provide here will depend on which checks you have enabled for the agent. Each time you provide an update, the case will be re-evaluated and an outcome returned.

curl -X POST "https://platform.arva.ai/api/v0/customer/update" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
-F "customerId=<CUSTOMER_ID>" \
 #  The fields you provide here will depend on which checks you have enabled for the agent
-F 'userInfoPatch={
    "dba": <string>,
    "natureOfBusiness": <string>,
    "operatingAddress": <string>,
    "tin": <string>,
    "people": [{
      "firstName": <string>,
      "lastName": <string>,
      "address": <string>,
      "isApplicant": <boolean>,
      "isOfficer": <boolean>,
      "isOwner": <boolean>,
      "ownershipPercentage": <number>
    "ownershipStructure": {
      <string>: [{
        "name": <string>,
        "type": <'Individual' | 'Company'>,
        "numberOfShares": <number>
}' \
 # E.g. Company website, LinkedIn, etc.
 # E.g. Certificate of Incorporation, CP-575 letter, etc.
-F "file=@<FILE_1_PATH>" \
-F "file=@<FILE_2_PATH>"

If the request is successful, the response from the API will be an object with the following schema:

  id: string // customer ID
  name: string
  state: string | undefined
  createdAt: Date
  riskLevel: 'HIGH' | 'MEDIUM' | 'LOW' | undefined
  periodicReviewYears: number | undefined // undefined unless the verdict is ACCEPT
  rfi: string | undefined // undefined unless the verdict is REQUEST_INFORMATION
  requiresManualReview: boolean
  checks: {
    type: string
    riskLevel: 'HIGH' | 'MEDIUM' | 'LOW' | undefined // undefined unless the verdict is ACCEPT
    reason: string
    periodicReviewYears: number | undefined // undefined unless the verdict is ACCEPT
    requiresManualReview: boolean
    proofs: Proof[]


type Proof = {
  id: string
  type: 'DOCUMENT' | 'WEBSITE'
  inferredType: string
  name: string
  url: string

type RegistryResult = {
  registeredName: string
  jurisdictionCode: string
  identifier: string
  type: string
  status: string
  inactive: boolean
  dateOfCreation: string
  isForeign: boolean
  registryName: string
  registryUrl: string
  directors: Director[]
  ultimateBeneficialOwners: UltimateBeneficialOwner[]

type TinResult = {
  match: boolean

type ScreeningResult = {
  hits: {
    matchingName: string
    names: string[]
    lists: {
      name: string
      identifier: string
      url: string
      countryCodes: string[]
      dateAdded: string

Next, see how you can submit a manual review of the case.